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Santee offers three distinct Spanish programs to meet the needs of our diverse scholars.
  • Non Native Program:  for students that are not native Spanish speakers
  • Spanish Speakers Program:  for students that have home language familiarity with Spanish and/or have conversational Spanish speaking skills
  • Advanced Placement:  for students seeking to challenge themselves with more rigorous, college-level Spanish courses
Spanish 1 
Spanish 1AB is an introduction to the language.  Vocabulary and grammatical structures will be presented through thematic units with an emphasis on oral, listening, reading and writing expressions.  Students will develop an appreciation for the Latino/a culture and its influence throughout the world.
Spanish 2
Spanish 2AB continues to expand the students' knowledge of the language through additional and extended thematic units. Extensive oral communication and grammatical development will be obtained through projects, literature, written expression and cultural activities.
Spanish 3
Spanish 3AB is designed to expand and strengthen oral, reading and written communication with an emphasis on literature, composition and conversation.
AP Spanish
AP Spanish Language AB (HP) covers the curriculum necessary for students to successfully pass the College Board exam in May for college placement and/ or credit.
AP Spanish Literature AB (HP) covers selected works from the literature of Spain and Latin America. Students read and analyze literature orally and in writing in Spanish, at a level designed to successfully pass the College Board exam in May for college placement credit.


Santee also offers an American Sign Language program.
  • American Sign Language 1, 2, and 3