Citizenship » Restorative Communities

Restorative Communities

What are Restorative Communities?
Restorative communities are safe spaces (physically, intellectually and emotionally), composed of respectful and responsible adults and students. Restorative communities promote a positive and healthy school culture by building, strengthening and (when harm occurs) repairing relationships through social-emotional learning, circle practice, and restorative dialogue
What are Restorative Practices?
Restorative practices are a collection of actions that aim to build, maintain, and when necessary, repair relationships. At a universal and preventative level (Tier 1), all staff and students can build and maintain relationships through community building and curriculum circles, social-emotional learning, affective statements, and non-violent communication. At a level of targeted intervention (Tier 2), when harm or significant challenges occur, restorative practices may include active listening, motivational interviewing, conflict circles, circles of support, or individual restorative conferencing and dialogue. For the most severe harms (Tier 3), typically after a student has been removed from class or school, the highest level of support may include a reentry circle or restorative community conference and on-going circles of support to re-integrate the student into the school community.
Santee as a Restorative Community
We believe that relationships matter. The Restorative Justice Coordinator and Restorative Communities Leads on campus are available to help students, teachers, and parents in the school community build and strengthen relationships. We aim to maintain a positive school culture and climate that ensures safety and inclusion.
Who to contact
Trisha Farris-Restorative Justice Coordinator/Restorative Communities Lead [email protected]
Fernando Molina-Restorative Communities Lead [email protected]
Christina Johnson-Restorative Communities Lead [email protected]