What is ELD?
English Language Development (ELD) refers to an instructional program for students who are developing proficiency in English. English Language Learners (ELLs) refer to the students who are enrolled in ELD classes. Many ELs are fluent in more than two languages when they begin to learn English.
What are the criteria for inclusion to be in ELD?
The Home Language Survey is completed by every student at registration. If the survey indicates a home language influence other than English, the ELD Designee and Title III Newcomer Coach reviews the student's records for evidence of academic achievement and proficiency in English. In addition, the ELD ELD Designee and Title III Newcomer Coach conducts an initial evaluation through an oral interview with the student. If the interview indicates that the student may need ELD support, the ELD Designee and Title III Newcomer Coach will administer a Diagnostic Assessment and the Initial ELPAC to determine the student's level of language proficiency and appropriate placement.
Is there a typical timeline for an average student to develop English proficiency?
There is considerable variability in the time it takes learners to become proficient in English. Second language acquisition research suggests that students develop basic social and interpersonal communication skills within two years. However, reaching "native-like proficiency" in academic language may take from five to nine years with appropriate support. Without appropriate support, an English Language Learner is unlikely to achieve competency in the academic English that is necessary to succeed in school.
When can a student exit ELD?
Students must meet the exit criteria of the Los Angeles Unified School District MULTILINGUAL MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RECLASSIFICATION CRITERIA and California Education Code (EC), section 313(f) and Title 5 California Code of Regulations (5 CCR), section 11303 set forth the four criteria required for reclassification. MMED Education Department Reclassification Criteria and Education Code of CA requires that an English language learner score BASIC on the Reading inventory, a score of a four on the ELPAC, and achieve final grades of C or better in ELA class. In addition to the CA/LAUSD exit criteria, students must be working independently and successfully within instructional groups in the grade level/content area courses without individual modifications. ELD teachers collaborate with school faculty to make exit decisions.
The academic progress of students who exit the ELD Program is monitored for four years through periodic reviews of grades, district and state assessments, and teacher reports.
How are English Language Learners (ELLs) graded?
At the Secondary Level, the following protocol is in place:
Report Cards
At the secondary level in Santee Educational Complex, teachers typically use one of the following options:
Assign a grade (A, B, C, D, or F) and follow it with any appropriate explanatory comments.
If a child enters more than halfway into the marking period and there are few or no assessments, give No Mark (NM).
Pass/Fail. If a child speaks little English but appears to make an effort to do homework, take tests, and pay attention in class, give a "P" (Pass). If a student makes no effort, is not attentive, and gives no indication of having learned anything, give an "F" (Fail). Be sure to ask the ELD teacher for a form to have the pass/fail option approved before the end of the marking period.
EL = English Learner
ELL = English Language Learner
ELD = English Language Development
ESL = English as a Second Language
LEP = Limited English Proficiency
RFEP= Reclassified Fluent English Proficient Students
LTEL=Long-tern English Learners
PLTEL= Potential Long-term English Learners
ELL = English Language Learner
ELD = English Language Development
ESL = English as a Second Language
LEP = Limited English Proficiency
RFEP= Reclassified Fluent English Proficient Students
LTEL=Long-tern English Learners
PLTEL= Potential Long-term English Learners