Clubs and Activities
Clubs and Activities | Staff |
A World Fit For Kids! | 0 |
Academic Decathlon | 0 |
Advanced Band and Colorguard | 0 |
Athletics | 21 |
AVID! | 4 |
BAM - Youth Guidance Becoming a Man | 0 |
Black Student Union | 1 |
Boxing | 1 |
Business Management | 1 |
Cheer | 1 |
CityYear | 0 |
Coding | 0 |
Communities In Schools | 0 |
Culinary Arts | 1 |
Drama | 1 |
Falcon Crew | 1 |
Falcon Feminists | 0 |
Falcon Leadership | 0 |
Falconettes | 0 |
Film & Photography | 0 |
Gay Straight Alliance | 0 |
Gear Up | 0 |
Mathletes | 2 |
MEChA | 1 |
Music and Instruments | 1 |
Robotics | 0 |
Students Run LA (SRLA) | 2 |