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Santee SRLA

Each year, SRLA creates a safe, supportive community at 185 public schools across Greater Los Angeles from communities hit hardest by the COVID-19 health crisis, welcoming more than 3,250 students of all backgrounds and abilities to train alongside their volunteer teachers to complete the Los Angeles Marathon. Through this life-changing experience, students discover their best selves and learn how to make plans for the future. 
Students Run LA (SRLA)
In it for the long haul...
Santee SRLA began in 2007. Over the years, several hundred Falcons have trained for the Los Angeles Marathon.
Our season starts every September, and after six months of training, our students run the Los Angeles Marathon in March.
We have limited spots each year. Interested participants should reach out to Mr. Molina or one of the other support leaders early in the academic year. 
Mr. Molina, Primary LeaderMr. Molina, Primary Leader

Since 2007, Mr. Molina, along with some amazing support leaders, has lead our school's Students Run LA Program.
Mr. Molina didn't run his first marathon till his early 30s--when he ran the 2006 Honolulu Marathon.
Beginning with the 2008 Los Angeles Marathon, he ran 13 consecutive LA Marathons--his last was the 2020 Los Angeles Marathon [held just before the world shutdown and our global pandemic].  He also ran one Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon.
He has run fifteen marathons, and his Personal Record is 3 Hours and 47 Minutes.
Mr. Perez, Support LeaderMr. Perez, Support Leader

Mr. Perez has been an invaluable support leader of the Santee SRLA program since 2014.
He has run six marathons, and his Personal Record is 5 Hours and 57 Minutes.
Working with this program and training Falcons for the Los Angeles Marathons is one of his greatest joys.

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