College Center » Jobs


If you're not yet 18 years old, you need a work permit before you start working. You can get summer work permits from the LAUSD Work Experience office. Their number is (213) 241-0878. They are located on the 18th Floor of the LAUSD Beaudry Building (downtown at 3rd and Beaudry). You'll need to bring a photo ID, a copy of your birth certificate, and a work permit request form signed by your parent and your work supervisor!
To see a list of private employers (stores, restaurants, etc.) who are looking for LAUSD students, open the file below ("First Break Job Orders"). Be sure to note the age requirement and carefully read all instructions for each job. Check the location on a map, also--some listings are far away! Most job listings require students to be 16 or older. Use your work readiness skills: take a professional resume and dress appropriately. Good luck!
The City of Los Angeles has a program, LA Youth at Work, designed to help students 16 years and older build their skills and get a job while in high school. Click here to learn more and start on the path to an exciting job!
If you are a senior who has passed both parts of the CAHSEE, then Archdiocesan Youth Employment Services (AYE) can help you prepare for a job! If you complete their training program, you have a good chance of being hired. For more information and their contact info, open the “AYE” file below. Many job listings for students 16 and over.
I Start on Monday. Especially good for graduating seniors! Many job listings in the Los Angeles area. Also lists summer jobs and internships.
CITY YEAR (Americorps) - Graduating seniors who are not sure what they want to do after high school should consider applying for a paid community service position with City Year. Benefits include: a living stipend ($200 per week), health care coverage, free metro pass, and a $4,725 educational scholarship. For more info, go to
If you’re graduating and not really interested in college at this time, then consider Job Corps. They offer training in many different technical and vocational areas! You also receive a living allowance, health benefits, housing, and food while in the program.