College Center » College Resources for AB 540 Students

College Resources for AB 540 Students

Immigration Law

  • National Immigration Law Center --
  • MALDEF: Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund ---
  • Coalition for Humane Immigrants Rights of Los Angeles ---
More Information Regarding the Law AB 540
Money for College!! -- Scholarships for AB 540 Students

Be sure to ask the colleges you'd like to attend if they have scholarships for AB 540 students! Many scholarships are given out directly by colleges. Call the college's Financial Aid Office to learn more.
Ruben Salazar Memorial Scholarship. Application plus poem or essay. DEADLINE Apr. 11th. Open the 2 files below.
California Credit Union. $1,000. Open the application file below. DEADLINE: Apr. 13th.

Friar Tux Shop Scholarship. $500. Selection criteria: combination of the applicant’s academic success, school or community involvement, and financial need. DEADLINE: April 15th.

Stonewall Scholarship. Helps gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students stay in school and educates non-gay youth to be more accepting of their peers. The UTLA Stonewall scholarship provides financial assistance to deserving students of all sexual orientations to further their educational goals. DEADLINE: April 23rd. Open the two files below.

Sue Embrey Community Activist Scholarship. For community service. DEADLINE Apr. 24th. Open the file below.

Ruelas Memorial Scholarship. 2.75 GPA required. Open the letter and application below. DEADLINE Apr. 27th.

D.R.E.A.M.S (Developing a Responsible, Educated, and Moral Society). $5,000. Scholarships for the following: 1) community service; 2) 3.5 GPA or higher; 3) being ethical and doing the right thing; 4) Dream-Plan scholarship for students with an IEP. DEADLINE: May 1st.

SALEF (Salvadoran American Leadership and Education Fund) Fulfilling Our Dreams Scholarship. A variety of scholarships, especially for Central Americans interested in health careers and students pursuing a degree in religion, philosophy, cultural studies, or environmental science. DEADLINE: May 2nd.

This is a really good AB 540 scholarship web site maintained by UCLA!

The community service organization has compiled several good lists of scholarships, including scholarships for African-American students, scholarships for Latino students, and scholarships for AB 540 students. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the scholarship lists. You might also want to check out their other college services described on the page!)

Do a scholarship search at! You can also use use the 2 lists below to get even more scholarship ideas. – This new site has a great list of scholarships. The .pdf scholarship list can be found below.

Educators for Fair Consideration list. This one is really worth checking out! It also has a list of colleges that provide aid to AB 540 students! Open the file below.

*Assistance directly from colleges--Some colleges provide full or significant financial assistance to undocumented students. These colleges usually have competitive admissions, so it helps to be a strong student! See the Excel file below titled "College Financial Assistance for Undocumented Students”.

*Thanks go to past Santee students, including Elmer Rodriguez (’11), for compiling this information! Remember to always contact colleges yourself to confirm that their policies haven’t changed. You can contact them anonymously through email or by phone. Just send a brief email asking them about their financial aid policies regarding undocumented students. It's as easy as that!